Degree students

Systematic Information Seeking

An online course (1 ECTS cr), based on Library Tutorial, where you learn the basics of systematic information seeking and reference management.


Reference Manager Zotero

Reference management by hand is a waste of time. Take two hours to learn, how to do it with Zotero. And how to create references and bibliography by Word.


Research Data Management

Research data management is part of your scientific competence. Lean on an e-course (1 ECTS cr) how to make a data management plan for your thesis.

Introduction to Research Data Management learning material


Customized training

Book a training for your group to update and boost your knowledge in systematic information seeking.


Guidance for thesis writers

Book a consultation for yourself or your thesis group.


New students

The orientation programmes for international students: Tiia Puputti

Background material:

Systematic Information Seeking

The contents of the course as post-it notes: 1. Information seeking plan, 2. Mind mapping concepts, 3. Research methods and data, 4. Scholarly resources, 5. Citing and managing references, 6. Good scientific practice.

Learning goals:

After completing the course the student

  • is familiar with the basics of systematic information seeking
  • is aware of how information seeking relates to the research process and of its significance in academic work
  • is able to conduct systematic information seeking in a way that is relevant to the research process
  • discerns the difference between everyday information and scientific information
  • is able to turn a research topic into concepts and concepts into search terms
  • knows how to create search statements
  • is familiar with the publication culture in their academic field
  • is able to locate and conduct searches using field-specific information sources
  • locates information sources on research methods and archived research data
  • is aware of the principles concerning research data and copyright
  • is capable of assessing and refining search results
  • is able to decide how to save references
  • understands how referencing is done appropriately and knows how to ethically use information in their work


The course provides the students with necessary understanding of information seeking that is relevant both for academic work and also in the working life in expert positions. The students learn for example how to do an information seeking plan that they can use later on in their studies.

Course material:
Course material Library Tutorial (Koppa) is an open online material.

Phase of studies:
Recommended before the candidate seminar, also later e.g. new students in master's programmes.

Conduct of course:
  • Online course as a self-study course or as a part of language and communication studies.
  • Students at the University of Jyväskylä can take the course as an elective course. Recommended for both exchange students and degree students.
  • Recommended before the candidate seminar, also later e.g. new degree students in master's programmes.
  • The course is available several months during autumn and spring semesters.
  • Sign up in Sisu (Search > LIBESIS).

Further information: Tiia Puputti.

Reference Manager Zotero

Learn to use Zotero, an online bibliographic management program, that allows you to create a personal database of references and generate in-text citations and bibliographies in a variety of styles.

  • In the workshop you’ll get guidance on how to manage your citations with Zotero while working with the important databases in you academic field.
  • You’ll also learn how to use Zotero and Microsoft Word to create in-text citations and bibliographies in various styles.

Schedule and sign-up (Kongressi) (change the language in upper right corner).

Further information: Matti Rajahonka

Research Data Management

LIBEDATA Introduction to Research Data Management (1 ECTS cr)

Research data management including documentation, integrity, data security, data protection and life cycle of research data. Introduction to Research Data Management learning material.

An online course. Sign up in Sisu (Search > LIBEDATA).

Further information: Tiia Puputti.

Customized training

Workshops to update and deepen knowledge in systematic information seeking, research data management and publishing your thesis.

Guidance for thesis writers

Book a consultation for yourself or your thesis group: Book a workshop or a consultation form or contact an information specialist.

Contact persons for subjects

Contact an information specialist in your subject:

Nina Kivinen: language studies, art and culture studies

Katri Koskinen: history and ethnology, music studies

Tytti Leppänen: education and psychology

Henna-Riikka Pennanen: social sciences and philosophy

Tiia Puputti: business and economics, communication studies

Matti Rajahonka: information technology, mathematics and science

Marjo Vallittu: sport and health sciences, researcher studies, open educational resources