Evaluating the quality of open access journals

When considering submitting a manuscript to an open publication channel, it is important to carefully evaluate the journal before sending your paper.

Does the publication channel meet the requirements for publishing your research?

Evaluation checklist

  • Is the journal well-known in your field of science? Have you read articles published in the journal? Do you know someone who has published in the journal in question? Look at the previously published articles: do they seem to be of high quality?
  • Does the journal have an ISSN number, and can you find it on the ISSN portal? Do the articles have DOIs?
  • Is copyright information provided? Are the articles licensed with Creative Commons licenses?
  • Does the journal have a proper website? Can you easily find the following details:
    • Does the journal charge Article Processing Charges (APCs) or other fees?
    • Who is the Editor-in-Chief, and who are the members of the editorial board? Can you find their contact information on the webpage?
    • Is the peer-review process explained? What is the publishing process like?
    • Are authors provided with clear instructions for preparing their papers?
  • If the journal claims to have an impact factor, please verify it from a reliable source.
  • Check the journal for features characteristic of predatory publishers.

Tools for evaluation