Submit your publication to Converis research information system

NOTE! This form will go out of use because of the JYU site renewal. Please use the new notification form in the HelpJYU portal.

New Converis publication form

All publications are recorded to Converis research information system by OSC staff.

Please send the publication to the Open Science Centre as a PDF file or enter the details of the publication. PDF file is enough if it contains the details of the source, JYU affiliated authors and their faculties. In addition, also specify the type of publication and research field.

You can also submit conference abstracts, posters and published presentations.

Report at minimum:

Details of the publication
The names of authors/editors
The Department and/or Research Center Information of JYU authors
Type of publication
Research field

If the publication is related to a project managed by JYU (eg. project information is available in Converis), please also specify the name of the funder and project number. For example, Academy of Finland 310632; European Commission 613532

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