Data management plan

On this page you will find the template / tasks of the data management plan. Copy the text below, paste it into for example a Word document and write your data management plan as you go through the material. If you are taking the LIBEDATA course, download the template from the course's Moodle page.


1) Study the Responsible conduct of research (RCR) page. Which RCR premises are related to your research data? Justify!

2) Describe the difference between a research plan and a data management plan? Why make a data management plan?

1 Overview of data and quality assurance

1) Tell us briefly about your research data. What kind of data do you collect or produce, or what kind of existing data do you use?

2) How do you ensure the quality and coherence of your data? In other words, how do you ensure that the content of the data does not accidentally change during processing?

2 Rights related to the data

1) What should be agreed on the use of the data if you were writing your thesis as part of a research group or in collaboration with a company, or if you were granted access to previously collected data?

2) Does the data contain copyrighted material? What should be taken into account in this case?

3 Personal data

1) Explain as comprehensively as possible what personal data is included in your research data. Please explain why you need to collect or process these personal data. How do you inform and protect research subjects?

2) Are there ethical questions related to your research data? Does the data contain sensitive or secret material (other than personal data, e.g. business secrets)?

4 Documentation and metadata

1) Why document data management and record metadata?

2) Explain how you document your data and how it is processed. Use examples to provide the metadata of your data to the extent you can. If you have not yet received the data, tell about it on a general level.

5 Data security

1) Where do you store the data? Where do you back it up during your thesis process?
[Select one or more. Remove other options and this help text]

U-drive (personal data and special personal data)
University O365 OneDrive (personal data)
Storage location indicated by a research project etc., specify:
Other, what, why and in what way protected:

2) How do you handle the data securely, for example, what software or tools do you use?
[Select one or more. Remove other options and this help text]

Webropol (surveys: personal data)
REDCap (surveys: special personal data)
Recorder (interviews: personal data and special personal data)
University Zoom (interviews: personal data and special personal data)
University Teams (interviews: personal data)
Other, what and why:
None because:

3) Who has access to your data?

6 Opening or destroying data

1) What do you intend to do with your data after the thesis is completed? If you destroy the data, how do you do it securely?