Publishing in JYU series

These pages have moved to a new address, and this page is no longer being updated. The new pages for the University of Jyväskylä's publication series can be found at .

The University of Jyväskylä departments and other units are active publishers. The units publish their own scientific series and journals as well as various independent publications, such as working papers and reports related to their research activities and projects. A publication proposal can be made to the publication contact person of each unit or the JYU Publishing Services. The principles of publishing set guidelines for publishing at the University of Jyväskylä (JYU).

Publication series produced by the the Open Science Centre

The JYU Open Science Centre Publishing Services currently produces the following scientific series:

Scientific publications produced in other JYU units

Publications in the JYX Archive

Publications produced in JYU units are, in general, openly available in the university repository JYX. JYX offers permanent archiving and international visibility to all JYU online publications.

Support for publishing

Centralised support for JYU publishing activities brings consistency, improved quality as well as visibility and impact for the publications. The JYU Publishing Services offers guidance for authors in e.g. the following issues:

  • Selecting a publication series (either the unit’s own series or a series coordinated by the JYU Publishing services)
  • Registering and marking an ISBN identifier for the publication
  • Choosing and marking the CC licence stipulating the further use of the publication
  • Consistency and marking of bibliographic data in the publication
  • Using and marking permanent identification codes (e.g. DOI) for the publication
  • Using and marking the authors’ ORCID identifiers in the publication
  • Implementing or finishing the layout of the publication
  • Checking the accessibility of the publication file (PDF)
  • The abstract and keywords of the publication
  • Saving the publication in a relevant publication series collection in JYX
  • Delivering an electronic complimentary copy of the publication to the archive of the National Library of Finland
  • Converis publication data
  • Informing about the publication (in collaboration with the University’s marketing and communications services)