Open educational resources in Finland and elsewhere

Services for Open Educational Resources and MOOCs

Library of Open Educational Resources, AOE

The Library of Open Educational Resources is used nationally to bring the educational resources and their authors together. You can log in with the Haka user name, and after this you can add either your own educational resource with description information, or link your open educational resource from elsewhere with description information.

The AOE also features open educational resource made by other teachers, which can be utilized under a license defined for each material.

It is easy to find educational resources in JYU's JYKDOK database and the national Finna database, as the materials opened in AOE are linked into these databases. All three, JYKDOK, Finna and AOE, use YSO subject headings, so the educational resources described in YSO words can be found conveniently.

Open Culture

Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community. The mission is to centralize all kind of open content, curate it, and give the access to the high quality content whenever and wherever. Some of the major resource collections include free online courses, MOOCs, free textbooks and e-books, audio, video and movies.

Open Education Consortium

The Open Education Consortium (OEC) is a non-profit, global, members-based network of open education institutions and organizations. OEC represents its members and provides advocacy and leadership around advancement of open education globally. OEC works with its members to build capacity to find, reuse, create and share Open Educational Resources (OER), develop open policy, create sustainable open education models, and enable international collaboration and innovation.


The MERLOT system provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers.


Free learning from the Open University.

OER Commons

OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources.

SAYLOR Academy

Saylor Academy is a nonprofit initiative working since 2008 to offer free and open online courses to all who want to learn.

Class Central

Class Central is a search engine and reviews site for free online courses popularly known as MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses.


Other open resources, e.g. pictures

Check the licence before utilizing.