
Information seeking is a process that goes hand in hand with the research process. A good starting point is to make an information seeking plan to help you be more systematic with information searches. Read more in Library Tutorial.

Communication research is published in

  • scholarly articles
  • books

What databases to use?

Peer-reviewed articles are valued in all fields. They are published in academic journals. In many databases, you can limit your search results to peer-reviewed articles. This helps you choose scholarly and reliable sources. To find academic journal articles, use databases e.g.

Communications research specific databases

Multidisciplinary databases

  • Scopus
  • You can also use JYKDOK International articles search to search all databases in one go
    • Best used to get an overview of a topic or quickly find one or two articles. For more systematic searches, use the databases above.
    • Possible to limit search results to peer-reviewed articles.
  • And Google Scholar

To access a database via JYKDOK, write the name of the database in the JYKDOK search box.

To browse databases: Browse for databases > choose Research Area: Communication > choose eg. Articles

Databases usually offer useful search options and filters like scholarly/peer-reviewed articles filter. A database may have a thesaurus or subject terms dictionary of its own that can help with search terms.



To find books, go to JYKDOK. Additionally, it can be helpful to search e-book databases separately even though the e-books are included in JYKDOK search results. E-book databases allow you to extend the search to the full-text of the book.

Finna: Books not in JYKDOK collection may be found in Finna, which is the union catalogue of Finnish libraries, museums and archives. Order books from other libraries using our interlibrary service.

Dictionaries, encyclopedias and subject terms

Research methodology

Master's theses & dissertations

Theses and dissertations can be searched for via JYKDOK or Finna.

Citing and managing references

Guides and contact information