Health sciences

Publication procedures and the principles of data creation may vary according to the discipline. The main focus of health sciences is on international research and international refereed journal publications are favored in publishing.

Developing skills in searching and managing information

Our web page has moved to a new address. This web page is no longer updated and it may contain outdated information.

Learning independently

Library Tutorial

An online course (1 ECTS cr), based on Library Tutorial, where you learn the basics of systematic information seeking and reference management.

Research Data Management

Research data management is part of your scientific competence. Lean on an e-course (1 ECTS cr) how to make a data management plan for your thesis.

Enrolling for library courses

Courses for degree students. E.g. Reference manager Zotero: how to manege references with Zotero. And how to create references and bibliography by Word.

Courses for personnel and researchers

Search statement and process of information seeking

Search statement

  • PICO
  • PICo(S)
  • PCC etc.
  • There are differences between disciplines and subjects; supervisors are experts on the possibilities of these different options.

Thesauri and dictionaries

Library tutorial: Search terms and strategy

Evaluating references

Filters in databases: searches

Filters e.g. SIGN and Cohcrane are used to define which publication's metadata fields are chosen to the search. 

  • E.g. in. Medline / means that the chosen term is searched only from the MeSH field. If that term would excist only in the title or abstract the article would not the included to the found references.
  • E.g. RCT

Reference management

Faculty's guidelines: Tuula Tutkija

reference management software: Zotero is often used if JYU. You can download it online or if you're using university' computer find it from Software Center. Learn to use Zotero, an online bibliographic management program, that allows you to create a personal database of references and generate in-text citations and bibliographies in a variety of styles in library's workshops.

Journal abbreviations

PubMed (Medline)

Thesis: completing and making public

How to make your thesis public in JYX.

Main resources

Journal articles

Library tutorial: Finding scholarly journals and articles

JYKDOK: Browse for databases + field of science: health

Finnish articles

JYKDOK: article search

Medic (only in Finnish)

International articles

Evidence-based medicine

Other disciplines

Citations and impact factors


Library tutorial: Finding books

Dissertations and theses

Handbooks and dictionaries

Library tutorial: Defining topic and finding search terms

Online materials in health sciences

Electronic Publications

Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) Evidence and Information for Health Policy.


National Library of Medicine, United States.
Meilahti Campus Library Terkko. University Library of Helsinki.

Lists, Subject Directories

AMEDEO The Medical Literature Guide.
Faculty of 1000 Medicine Literature evaluation and awareness service for medicine.
Hardin MD Medical Information.
HON Health on the Net. Useful and reliable online medical and health information.
MedWeb -Biomedical Internet Sites
National Institute of Health. Health Information, U.S.
TERKKO Navigator.

Trials registers the largest clinical trials database run by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health
Community Research & Developmen Information Service (CORDIS) information on all EU-supported R&D activities
Current Controlled Trials metaRegister of Controlled Trials (mRCT) e.g. Current Controlled Trials mRCT - active registers
WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform Search Portal
International Standard Randomised Trial Number Register (ISRCTN) a numeric system for the unique identification of randomised controlled trials worldwide

Expert Organizations

Finnish Centre for Health Promotion
FinOHTA Finnish Office for Health Care Technology Assessment.
National Institut for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland.
UKK Institute, Tampere, Finland.
World Health Organization (WHO)

Other Services

AMA Manual of Style
Citation Style Guides for Internet and Electronic Sources produced by the University of Alberta
Gerontology Research Centre GEREC Jyväskylä, Finland
Instructions to authors in the health sciences Instructions to authors for over 3,500 journals in the health and life sciences collected by the University of Toledo
MedTerms - Medical Dictionary
PEDro - Physiotherapy Evidence Database
SMIL Skandinavisk Medicinsk Information för Lekmän (languages: Swedish, Norwegian and Danish)
ICMJE Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (Vancouver style)


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